You're A Daisy If You Do...For Bruises That Is

Ok all Doc Holiday humor aside daisies really are great for bruises. They make a pretty adornment for tables and can be readily found in country fields or by warm months during warm months too making them a cheap yet effective remedy. 

Daisies For Bruises

What do I need to use daisies for bruises?

  • Daisies-fresh is better but dried will work in a pinch.
  • Cloth bandages, gauze, or a sports wrap
  • Water if you are using dried daisies
Daisies For Bruises

How to use daisies for bruises:

Daisies are used as a compress for bruises and work well due to their anti-inflammatory properties. This may help to speed healing and relieve pain for bruises or sprains. 

  1. If working with fresh daisies then bruise the flower heads after separating them from the stems. You can bruise them by pressing them into the sides of a bowl with the back of a spoon or in a mortar and pestle. You can also place them inside of a plastic bag, seal it up, and roll a heavy cup or rolling pin over them a few times. If you are working with dried daisies then you will need to rehydrate them. Place them in 1 cup of warm, but not hot water and let them sit for 10-20 minutes or until soft and pliable then bruise as directed above. 
  2. Place crushed daisies over the bruised area and then bandage with clean cloth bandages, gauze, or a sports wrap.
  3. Leave in place until the daisies are dry then unwrap and discard the compress out of reach of children and animals.
Daisies For Bruises

Precautions when using daisies for bruises:

As always this article does not replace medical advice nor is it intended to treat or cure any condition. Before starting or stopping any supplements or medications you should speak to your healthcare provider. Do not use this compress if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. 

People allergic to ragweed may also be allergic to daisies. Those with sensitive skin may choose to apply a light layer of coconut oil or another carrier oil before applying the daisies directly to the skin. When bandaging be sure that the bandaging is not too tight and keep the area clean and dry once the compress is removed. 

As always thanks for stopping by and have a great day. We'll see next time at Secular Homemaking! :)


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