Naked Motherhood, Does Jenna Dewan Have The Right Idea About A Mother's Sexuality and Women's Health?

Breaking stories in the last few days about Jenna Dewan posing naked in the last issue of Women's Health magazine has caused a surge of interest in nudity and motherhood it would seem. So what impact does making sexuality and motherhood mutually exclusive have for mothers?

A great deal of sexuality has to do with social constructs and as Jenna Dewan pointed out in an interview with Celebrity Insider on July 29, 2018, motherhood and sexuality aren't considered compatible by our society overall.

The Sexuality Definition Sociology Offers Us and How It Impacts Women's Health

The American Sociological Association defines sexuality as the behaviors displayed by individuals that are influenced by culture, environment, and whether we are in public or private. 

The focus is on how genders are treated differently as well which brings gender into the bag, but it's important to note that sexuality and gender are not the same things, yet they are not mutually exclusive. It can also influence our preferences for certain genders and defines our sexual preferences as well. A great deal of sexuality has to do with social constructs and as Jenna Dewan pointed out in an interview with Celebrity Insider on July 29, 2018, motherhood and sexuality aren't considered compatible by our society overall. I'm speaking from the American viewpoint, and this may not be the case in other areas.

Jenna Dewan went on to explain that women were expected to basically stop being creatures with sexual thoughts, ideas, or urges.

The Truth About Women's Sexuality As Jenna Dewan Has Presented It

Jenna Dewan went on to explain that women were expected to basically stop being creatures with sexual thoughts, ideas, or urges. 

Instead, mother's were supposed to shift into a totally different identity and leave their former selves behind it would seem. She pointed out that giving life is a wonderful thing and it should enhance, not diminish a woman's sexuality when she makes the choice to become a mother. The star went on to say that she felt freer and even liberated after the shoot.

So where did this come from, this raging battle between motherhood and sexuality?

The Battle of Motherhood and Sexuality In Women's Health

So where did this come from, this raging battle between motherhood and sexuality?

It would seem that since the dawn of time women have been thought to be paragons of virtue or harlots of the night with little middle ground to stand on.  From the ancient Greeks to the early Americans, to the conservative movement in the 1950's in post-war America we can see this recurring theme time and time again. Yet, we can see it in our own time too.

In a study published in May 1998 by Ariella Friedman, Hana Weinberg, and Ayala M. Pines Titled Sexuality and Motherhood: Mutually Exclusive in Perception of Women, it was discovered that a majority of the 171 participants felt very strongly about the topic. Most thought that the more sexual behaviors of a woman aligned with less skill or merit as a mother in most cases. So this is a very pervasive topic, even in a modern, liberated world.

IT's important to note that the pendulum swings both ways though as some mother's feel less desirable and may have lowered libidos after pregnancy and or childbirth. These women may feel guilty or shameful as they face a changing sex drive head-on with a little one to care for. They may also be shamed culturally as frigid, dowdy, or the ultimate prude mom. These feelings were explored and solidified with a study published in 2012 titled Women’s experiences of sex and intimacy after childbirth: making the adjustment to motherhood, by Hannah Woolhouse, Ellie McDonald, and Stephanie Brown. 

Sex is normal and a healthy part of adulthood. So it comes as no surprise that moms should have a healthy sexuality just like everybody else.

Why Motherhood Matters and Sexuality is Welcome To Come Along Too For Better Women's Health

Sex is normal and a healthy part of adulthood. So it comes as no surprise that moms should have a healthy sexuality just like everybody else. 

By allowing mothers to express themselves as individuals and mothers we can give them more freedom, confidence, and help them to feel less boxed into a role of spotless paragon after having children. So yes, moms represent all things good and pure, after all, they are the ones who give life here on our planet. They are individuals though who had a life before motherhood and an identity before children. So it's important for both moms and dads to maintain their unique identity even though they've taken on new responsibilities by having children.

After reading the interview in with Jenna Dewan about her beautiful nude shoot with Women's Health I have to say I was very impressed.

Why Jenna Dewan Has Done The Best Thing For A Mother's Sexuality in Years

After reading the interview in with Jenna Dewan about her beautiful nude shoot with Women's Health I have to say I was very impressed. 

She voiced the things all women need in our time. Freedom to be themselves, freedom to feel confident in their own skin, and trust from a society that they can be individuals and mothers all at once. I think if we could all do this or provide this to those we love then we'd be on the right track to better women's health for sure.

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