Grains of Paradise Have You Heard of This Fabulous, but Little Known Spice?

What in the world are grains of paradise? The answer is simple but slightly outdated. It seems a century or so ago this fantastic spice was a cheap substitute for fine black pepper in many kitchens. So what can it do for your cooking today? 

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Grains of Paradise

What are grains of paradise?

In short, this seed is a small, black, glossy round ball of flavor. They are often used in canning or pickling and can be used as a substitute for black pepper. Some cooks say they find this seed to have a buttery flavor and it may remind some connoisseurs of cardamom or coriander as well. the grains originate from West Africa and are commonly used around the world to add spice to familiar dishes everywhere.

Grains of Paradise

How to use grains of paradise?

Grains of paradise can be added to any dish at any point in the cooking process to add flavor to a dish. Use it anywhere you would use pepper. Remeber that as with pepper, a little goes a long way. It's also best to grind grains of paradise fresh for maximum flavor.

Grains of paradise may have some herbal benefits as well. The benefits are thought to come primarily from an oil extracted from the grains. The oil may have positive effects on testosterone and weight loss efforts. However, these results are from testing with rats, not humans, so bear that in mind. To date, the grains have not been proven to cure, treat, or prevent any disease in humans.

Grains of Paradise

Where to buy grains of paradise?

Grains of paradise can usually be found from any good spice dealer. It may be difficult to find them at your local grocer, but it's always worth a try if you're passing through the spice aisle. For the easiest access, you may need to broaden your horizons. You can easily find grains of paradise online from many reputable dealers.

What's your favorite recipe for this little-known spice? Let's us know in the comments below and have a great day! :)


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