Oatmeal Bath DIY for Summer Itches, Bug Bites, and Sunburn

We all have used oatmeal bath at some point in our lives for the most part. If you are old enough (like me) to remember having chicken pox then you are likely very familiar with it. Other uses included hives, sunburn, insect bites and more. Yet drug store version can be very expensive. Save your pennies and your time with this DIY oatmeal bath recipe.

Oatmeal Bath DIY Recipe

What you'll need for our oatmeal bath DIY recipe:

  • A plastic party cup or small tumbler that will hold about 2 cups
  • An old crew sock
  • A rubber band (or hair elastic if you are allergic to latex)
  • 1 cup old-fashioned oats uncooked
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 2tbsps virgin coconut oil
  • Essential oils of your choice (my favorites are lavender, peppermint, or any calming or sleep blend you like)
  • Menthol crystals (optional)
  • Apple cider vinegar capsules (optional)
Oatmeal Bath DIY Recipe

How to make our oatmeal bath DIY recipe:

  1. Take the old sock and place it in the cup, stretching the neck of the sock to hold securely around the cup. This keeps the sock open for filling without a mess.
  2. Place the oatmeal and baking soda in the sock.
  3. Add in the coconut oil and 10 drops of your essential oil of choice.
  4. If you choose to add in menthol, which I do for extra itching relief and cooling of burning skin, then add in a small amount. I usually break a crystal to the length of my pinky nail and add it right into the sock. 
  5. If you have sunburn then vinegar may be extra soothing. I usually open two ACV capsules and pour the contents into the sock.
  6. Now pull the sock from the rim of the cup, twist the neck closed, and give everything a gentle shake. 
  7. Take this and your rubber band into the bathroom.
  8. Place the sock neck around your faucet opening and hold it securely with your hand. 
  9. Take the rubber band and slide it up the sock to the faucet. Secure the sock to the faucet by twist the rubber band around the sock and faucet once. Then twist the rubber band around the pull for the shower on top of your faucet until the rubber band is secure (about three times for our faucet, but it may vary).
Oatmeal Bath DIY Recipe

Using our oatmeal bath DIY recipe:

Turn on the warm water and allow the tub to fill to your desired depth. Then soak for twenty minutes or as long as you like.

Cautions for our oatmeal bath DIY recipe:

The tub floor may be slippery when using this bath soak. Please be careful getting in and out. Be sure the tub water is at a comfortable temperature for you. Also if you are allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned here feel free to omit them and substitute with something more appropriate for you.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great week and we'll see you next time! :)


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