How Can I Clean A Really Dusty and Dirty Attic?

Cleaning a Dusty Dirty Attic Made Easy

That's a great question! So How Can I Clean A Really Dusty and Dirty Attic?

How Can I Clean A Really Dirty and Dusty Attic? 1

(Before we get started this post may contain affiliate links that support the running of the blog and myself, but I only recommend products I truly love or use myself. Happy reading!)

We're glad you asked because cleaning a really dusty and dirty attic doesn't have to be hard. In fact, it can be one of your easier projects if you work smarter and not harder. We like to keep things simple and streamlined so first let's have a quick breakdown of what you'll need and what we'll be doing.

How can I clean a really dusty and dirty attic? 2

What You'll Need to Clean That Really Dusty and Dirty Attic:

  • cleaning rags
  • a mop
  • hot water
  • white vinegar
  • clean, dry towels
  • Swiffer 360 Dusters Extendable Handle Starter Kit, 3 Count Duster Refill or another dusting device of your choice. 
  • Swiffer Dry Mop and Swiffer Cloths or it's equivalent
  • a Vacuum Cleaner (preferably one with a HEPA filter)
  • a disinfectant spray of your choice or some Colloidal Silver mixed in distilled water works wonders with a spray bottle you like.
  • trash Bags
  • a small toothbrush
  • the cleaner of your choice for all-purpose surface work, we make our own from this awesome recipe we found on the web.  
  • tea tree oil if you have any mold in there
  • gloves and a long sleeve shirt and pants if you will be working near any fiberglass insulation.
  • glass cleaner or rubbing alcohol and newspaper 

  • How can I clean a really dusty and dirty attic? 3

    Well now that we've covered what we'll need let's talk about the chores involved up here too while we're cleaning this really dusty and dirty attic:

    • dusting ceiling corners and crown molding
    • dusting ceiling fans or vent covers
    • washing windows and cleaning window tracks
    • vacuuming floors
    • cleaning up after bugs or mice (ick!)
    •  wiping down general surfaces
    • dusting furniture or baseboards
    • mopping floors
    • removing clutter and junk (yard sale $$$ yeah!)
    • taking out the garbage
    • working near insulation in some cases to clean

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     Alright so now we know what we're up against when cleaning our really dirty and Dusty attic so let's get started. If you haven't already gathered your supplies, get some old clothes and shoes on. We'll wait...really it's cool, we did give you a really long list. Don't forget those long sleeves and pants if you're going to have to work near that fiberglass insulation. These materials can irritate the skin causing itching for hours after you've handled it.

    OK, got all those supplies and your to-do list? Let's get started then!

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    1) Always dust from top to bottom so let's start there. I like to work from the molding and ceiling corners down to the baseboards whenever possible. This means dirt falls to the floors where I can vacuum it up later without having to keep wiping it off of surfaces as I go.

    So let's dust:
    • ceiling corners
    • crown molding
    • ceiling fans or vents that are in the ceiling
    • window sashes and windows
    • furniture or storage items
    • baseboards (quick note, I use a Swiffer 360 on everything except my baseboards where I use a dryer sheet like Seventh Generation to keep the baseboards clean longer. The sheets reduce static attraction and keep things like hair, lint, or dust off of them longer for less cleaning which we all enjoy.)

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    2) Now we can move onto the windows if you have any in your attic. I like to open mine and do the tracks first. Then I shut them and wash the sash and sill before washing the windows and moving on.

    So let's wash:

    • The window track. This is where that toothbrush comes in handy. 
      • To clean the window track open the window and first dust inside with your handy duster.
      • Then take some all-purpose cleaner and spray it onto a cloth and wipe away all of the grime that you can. 
      • Then use your trusty toothbrush to scrub in the corners and clean near the crevices and wipe away the gunk as you go. 
    • Now we're ready to shut the window and wash the sash and sill. I usually just wipe these areas with a damp cloth and no cleaner to avoid damaging the wood or paint in these areas. If you have unfinished wood be sure that your cloth is just damp to avoid damage as well.  
    • Now we can clean the windows. I am old fashioned and I clean windows like my Granny. So spray on some rubbing alcohol and use that newspaper (rumple it up a bit like a rag to get started) to shine away the grime. 
    It's probably about time for a break right now, I'm just typing this and I'm even tired just looking at it, you poor soul. :) Go outside for some fresh air (after all of that dust you know...) or just grab a drink from the kitchen...we'll wait.

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    3) Looks like we're moving along quite nicely and we've managed to keep moving through the drudgery lovely cleaning task at hand. Let's talk for a moment about those bugs and mice I mentioned earlier though. I know, you're just dying to discuss that... all jokes aside though it's worth mentioning. The main thing to remember is that roaches and mice can both pose issues. These are our main concerns. While squirrels may cause similar issues to mice cleanup is much the same. So let's go over it here.

    • Roaches
      • Vacuum up all of their droppings completely
      • Wash walls and other hard surfaces with baking soda
      • Now wash down all surfaces again with a disinfectant
        • Now you'll want to consider traps or repellents as well to keep the problem from recurring.

    • Mice (or other small rodents)
      • Stop!!! Holster that vacuum and don't attempt to vacuum up these droppings.  Mice droppings may spread many diseases including the deadly Hantavirus in a few cases. These droppings must be soaked in a disinfectant for several minutes and then wiped up while wearing gloves. Be sure to dispose of all cloths and rags used to do so (we really hate paper towels for the environment, but they are the best thing for the job here so go for it)
      • Now you need to thoroughly wash down the area in disinfectant and remove any nesting materials you've found as well. 
      • Now spray your gloves in disinfectant and roll them inside out to remove them and dispose of them and all other wastes outside of your home where children or pets can't get into it. 
      • Wash your hands thoroughly and get some traps or sticky sheets to keep those mice away for good. 

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    4) Now you'll want to wipe down those surfaces with a good all-purpose cleaner or disinfectant product of your choice. Remember to keep in mind that some finishes or fabrics may discolor with certain products. If in doubt be sure to test your product on a small area of the surface that can't be seen by others and wait for it to dry. If it doesn't discolor then you're good and can keep on wiping to your heart's content.

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    5) Well after a quick break I'm sure you're anxious to get finished. If you've got clutter then now is the time to get it out of there. Take all of that junk and donate it or put it in a yard sale. Separating these items into a designated space or storage container may make life easier later on. As for the trash, you know what to do...

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    6) Finally it's time to finish up with the floors. If you have carpeted floors you will want to vacuum them thoroughly and others may even want to steam clean their carpets. For hardwood floors you can use the Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit with those dry cloths we talked about earlier and give your floor a good mopping too with some hot water, white vinegar, and an essential oil of your choice (we personally love lavender or a citrus blend).

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    Whew! What a day (it will probably take you most of a Saturday or other day to do this so budget your time accordingly :) )! You now have the cleanest attic in town and can know you did a great job cleaning that really dusty and dirty attic. So ride off into the sunset with your good deed and we'll see you next time for more homemaking fun.

    Oh...before you go, check out this if you've got heavy mold in your attic:

    Have questions? Drop us a comment and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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