What Temp to Cook Turkey to?

Gearing up for Turkey Day? Be sure to cook your turkey to safe temp to keep everyone's tummy happy!

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 For best results keep poultry refrigerated at 40 degrees or lower or frozen until ready to use.

Safe Handling of Poultry

As a child I watched an episode of Julia Child where she was basically dragging a raw chicken over the counter. I thought it was funny then, it kind of horrifies me know even though I still love Julia Child. For best results keep poultry refrigerated at 40 degrees or lower or frozen until ready to use. Thaw poultry in the refrigerator and not on the counter. Wash your hands and clean surface with soap and warm water after working with poultry as well. Cook poultry to a safe temperature and don't forget to refrigerate left overs. To cool them safely place in a shallow dish covered in the refrigerator or freezer. 

165 degrees Fahrenheit

Safe Cooking Temp for Turkey

The first thing you need is a good meat thermometer. I think digital models are more reliable, but the choice is yours to make. Be sure to place the thermometer in the outer leg and in the breast to check both points. Don't push all the way through and touch the pan or you may receive a false reading. The optimal temperature for cooking turkey safely according to the USDA is 165 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Food poisoning, gastroenteritis, and salmonella could result.

Dangers of Under-cooked Turkey

Under-cooked turkey could lead to a sad end to thanksgiving for sure. Food poisoning, gastroenteritis, and salmonella could result. Vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, fever, stomach pain or cramps, and a general feeling of being unwell could result. To avoid these issues be sure to cook your turkey to a safe temperature each time before serving.

Ever had a turkey fail? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch as Williams Sonoma Shows How to Know If Your Turkey is Done on YouTube


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