
What in the world is Secular Homemaking? Well to understand that you'll have to understand why I've decided to start this adventure.

Why have we started this crazy journey into Secular Homemaking?

After obsessing uh...browsing through Pinterest for a few years looking for cleaning hacks and other homemaking advice I got frustrated. Every time I started looking for quick ways to make dinner or clean the sink I got a sermon.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against religion. I just really wanted to not have to sift through various theologies to get my laundry done. So I started wondering if anyone else felt the same way.

It turns out that many readers around the web had similar feelings. I read things where homemakers were wondering why we were having that sermon to clean a basement or organize the garage. They didn't want to sift through opinions or theology to have a cleaner, more organized home either.

That's when Secular Homemaking was born!

In the middle of the night on a nondescript weekday I got the idea. So I got up, turned on the light, and wrote it all down on a scrap piece of paper vowing to get started the next morning. I did too...a few weeks later, but better later than never I suppose.

I worked for a few months on the keywords, topics, and researching homemaking in general around the internet for Secular Homemaking to get started.

With piles of paper, a Google Drive full of stuff and my head buzzing with ideas I was finally on the right track.

I was on the way to offering a comprehensive blog to answer those questions I had when I started out. I hope it will save others from burnt dinners, scrubbing things that can soak, and of course lint all over your nice black sweater because they forgot to sort the clothes (lights and darks aren't friends in the wash it turns out...).

So to answer the earlier question about what Secular Homemaking is well it's like this:

Secular Homemaking is a comprehensive blog with the aim to bring clarity, levity, and convenience to homemaking at any age or stage of life. So follow along with me as I try to keep the house running, my business going (I'm a freelance writer and marketer by trade), and get dinner on the table without hitting the drive thru.

If you're going on this adventure with me though I'm sure you'll want to know a bit about me because as Louisa May Alcott said, readers like to know about their characters.

Well, where to start? My name is Megan. I'm a 29 year old freelance writer from North Carolina with some wacky hobbies (You'll see, I can't give everything away all at once), a thirst for knowledge, and a variety of skills (I've been everything from an ice cream counter clerk to a paramedic). I live with my roommate Gina, one dog Scamp, and a temperamental cat named PeaPod. I am the youngest of five kids with a rural upbringing that causes me to cook way too much at times (I could feed an army I think) and a strong sense of connection with nature that leads me to forage for herbs (we'll get to that later).

Megan Spencer Secular Homemaking

So I hope you'll stop by often and enjoy the Secular Homemaking blog as it rolls along. If you need anything just drop me a line and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.



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