Steatorrhea and Bone Broth...Can Bone Broth Make You Sick?

Recently I gave the bone broth a try again after a miserable and unappetizing try a few years back. That's when I learned what steatorrhea was.

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What is Bone Broth?

Bone broth is a long simmered broth made from animal bones. Beef and chicken are generally the most popular bones for broth, but any bones will do. Bones can be purchased from a butcher or saved and frozen from your own dishes like roast chicken or beef ribs. The broth is simmered on the stove or in a crockpot for several hours to extract the collagen, water or fat soluble vitamins, and minerals found within the bones of animals. You can choose to add carrots, celery, and onion or not. The broth is best when simmered low and made with filtered water if your water tastes heavily of chlorine. 

The broth is thought to halt aging or slow it down, boost immunity, and heal the gut. Others say that the broth strengthens hair, teeth, and nails. Broth is a nutritious choice when the fat is skimmed and it is prepared safely for most people. This is not intended to cure or diagnose any disease though and you should discuss your diet with a qualified health care professional for your safety. 

Can Bone Broth Make You Sick?

Yes, it can. It is unlikely, but bone broth can make you sick. I made a very silly mistake in drinking mine ladled directly from the crockpot while it was still warm. It tasted good, but heavy. I realized several hours later when my stomach began a revolution (I did not want a revolution though nor did I say I did :)) that I had made a terrible mistake. Please, if you do nothing else from this article, please skim the fat off of your broth before drinking it. If not you could end up with a condition called steatorrhea.

What is Steatorrhea?

Steatorrhea is a stomach disturbance characterized by loose stools that float in your tidy bowl and smell foul. They may be accompanied by frequent bathroom trips, nausea, gas, indigestion, stomach pain or cramps, and feeling generally unwell. Some people may also see an oily film floating on the water as well. I know TMI, but I wish someone had told me first. Also, if you have gallbladder issues or pancreas problems this could worsen or develop. 

Other Possible Complications of Steatorrhea From Bone Broth or Other High Fat Foods.

Steatorrhea can be caused by high fat foods, fatty liver disease, pancreatitis, and high fat levels in the blood. It can also lead to these conditions. I personally had gallbladder pain for a few days as my system returned to normal and other tidy bowl issues mentioned earlier. So if this happens for no reason be sure to get checked out. If it happens from bone broth skim the fat. If it keeps happening from it discontinue drinking and see you health care provider. As with all health problems see a health care provider for individual information, this does not replace medical advice from a trained provider. 

Have you ever had steatorrhea or other issues from bone broth? Let us know in the comments below!

Bonus: How To Remove The Fat From Your Bone Broth With Laura Prepon on YouTube


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