How Long To Brine A Turkey

Have you ever wondered how long to brine a turkey or what the best turkey brine might be? Learn more now! 

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Brining a turkey doesn't have to be scary. It's simple, salt, liquid, spice, and time. That's really it.

How Long To Brine A Turkey?

Brining a turkey doesn't have to be scary. It's simple, salt, liquid, spice, and time. That's really it. When brining a turkey look for slow and cold (to keep down the bacteria in the case of cold). If you're wondering how long to brine a turkey or any other bird for that matter at least 4 to 8 hours is a good time to aim for. Overnight is best though. This will allow you to have a moist bird that is full of flavor and gives you the best turkey dinner you've ever had. So now that you know how long to brine a turkey you're probably looking for a great brine for turkey.

Now you can stop looking for a great turkey brine and jump on into making this one, it's so simple you'll be done in no time.

Looking For A Great Brine For Turkey?

If you've been looking for a great brine for turkey then you're in luck. The simplest brine for a turkey starts with a large container. A five-gallon bucket or ice chest will do very well. Then you need clean water, filtered if yours reeks of chlorine like ours does. The Y is a great place to be but your turkey needn't taste like a swimming pool. Then you'll need salt, sugar, black pepper, rosemary, parsley, red pepper flakes, ginger, and a good nights sleep or several hours for the bird to soak in all that flavor. Now you can stop looking for a great brine for turkey and jump on into making this one, it's so simple you'll be done in no time. 

  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 gallon of ice water
  • 1 cup of sea salt
  • 1 tsp of dried rosemary
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 2 tsp dried parsley
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1/4 cup of sugar

  1. Put one gallon of water into a large stock pot and turn onto high
  2. Add the salt and sugar, stir to dissolve
  3. Bring to a boil
  4. Put the herbs and spices in and turn off the heat
  5. Pour the brine into your container
  6. Pour in the ice water
  7. Add the turkey and cover
  8. Chill for 4-8 hours or overnight
  9. take out the turkey, rinse and cook as you normally would

After looking for the best turkey brine recipes for a while, these are the best recipes we've seen yet.

The Best Turkey Brine Recipes From Around The Internet

After looking for a great brine for turkey and recipes for a while, these are the best recipes we've seen yet.

Check out one of the best turkey brine recipe ideas from Allrecipes on YouTube:

Then there's this wonderful turkey brine recipe idea from Everyday Food on YouTube:

We couldn't stop before adding this great turkey brine recipe idea too from The Art of Manliness on YouTube:

Thanks for stopping by today to learn all about how long to brine a turkey and the best turkey brine recipes. We'll see you next time at Secular Homemaking :)


For a full proof turkey brine, you can never go wrong with Food Network's Good Eats Brine Secrets with Alton Brown.


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