Can You Freeze Blackberries?

Yes, you can freeze blackberries. Use them all year long for cakes, pies, smoothies and more with this quick and easy method!

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What You'll Need To Freeze Blackberries

The Process to Freeze Blackberries

  1. Pick, wash, and dry your berries
  2. Place parchment paper on sheet pans
  3. Spread out blackberries on the pans to make one layer with space between the berries to keep them from sticking together as they freeze.
  4. Freeze and pour into freezer safe containers for storage

Using These Gems After You've Learned To Freeze Blackberries

You can use frozen blackberries for a great morning treat in your smoothie. You can also use them for syrups, pies, cakes, breads, and more. The berries can be added frozen to smoothies. For cakes and muffins or other quick breads check your recipe or toss them in frozen in muffins generally. This way you can have delicious blackberries all year round. :)

How do you use your blackberries after freezing them? Let us know in the comments below!

Oh and Check Out The Great Tutorial on Freezing Blackberries From Driscoll's on YouTube!


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