What Is a Menstrual Cup and Why Should I Use One?

Menstrual cups are wonderful! Why you ask? They are comfortable, reusable, safe, and have more longevity than other period protection options for busy days. Learn more now!

What is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is a soft cup made of silicon that is worn in the vagina during a woman's period. It helps to collect the menstrual fluid and protect your clothes and underthings throughout the day or night. They are reusable, sanitary, and easy to use. They come in many sizes as well from the young woman to women who have borne children already.

How do I use a menstrual cup?

Menstrual cups, like tampons, should be changed with clean hands. To start open the packaging and rinse your cup in warm water and soap before the first use. Then get in a comfortable position to insert your cup (usually the same position you feel comfortable inserting a tampon in), and fold your cup. There are various folding techniques, but most users find the c-fold the easiest, to begin with. It is just as it says, fold the cup over once until it forms a c and you're ready to go. Now insert the cup, make sure it opens fully and give it a slight tug to seal the edges of the cup in your vagina. Now you are ready for 8 to 10 hours of worry-free period protection.

To remove the cup pull on the tail of the cup and empty into the toilet. Wash your hands before removing the cup and keep the fluids away from your clothes and shoes. When the cup is empty give it a rinse in soap and water and reinsert. When your period is over take your cup and give it a good wash. Then place the cup back in it's carrying bag for dust free storage until next month. If the tail of the cup is too long you can trim it with a clean pair of scissors for comfort when you have it out for a quick wash.

Where can I buy a menstrual cup?

You can buy soft disposable cups in many pharmacies which may be better for on the go protection. However, I like to stick with a traditional cup. I shop a lot on Amazon and I am an affiliate here so as a disclosure this blog contains affiliate links, but feel free to choose your own brands. Mooncup, Blossom, and Diva are some of the best on the market and I prefer Diva or Blossom myself. Shopping online in general for a menstrual cup gives you more options and privacy in my opinion.

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