Cleaning...When A Little Goes A Long Way

Houses get so dirty, don't they? Cleaning them can be a nightmare and when we get overwhelmed. When we are overwhelmed with cleaning then nothing gets done. In just thirty minutes a day you can see results though, so let's get started!


How do we get overwhelmed in cleaning?

Look around your home and notice all of the dirt, grime, and clutter. It may be pretty bad and that can make us all feel bad. Depression, grief, illness or chronic health issues, the birth of a new child or adoption, new jobs, or even just simple business can lead to neglect of our cleaning routines. It happens and the first thing we need to do is forgive ourselves for falling behind. Every day is a new chance to get back on the horse and get our houses back in order.


A cleaning method to prevent overwhelm:

When we recognize the problem and admit to our overwhelming feelings we can begin to get back on track. I find that cleaning a little bit every day is the best way to tackle the mess. My biggest pitfalls are folding/putting away laundry,. mopping/sweeping and taking out the trash when I'm depressed. As my regular readers know, my mother passed away last October and that has taken a toll on my housekeeping. So I started cleaning for thirty minutes daily and it seems to be helping immensely. So what's the routine?


A cleaning schedule to prevent overwhelm:

Monday Cleaning:

Daily Task:
Sweep front porch, wipe off front porch table and chairs, clean trash out of the car, and dust in the car.

  • Clutter sweep
  • Laundry
  • Wipe down kitchen counters and stovetop
  • Dishes
  • Sweep floor right after doing the dishes
  • Take out the trash
  • Quick wipe bathroom and swish toilet

Tuesday Cleaning:

Daily Task
Living room-Dust, wipe off tables, shake rug, vacuum, mop quickly. 

  • Clutter sweep
  • Laundry
  • Wipe down kitchen counters and stovetop
  • Dishes
  • Sweep floor right after doing the dishes
  • Take out the trash
  • Quick wipe bathroom and swish toilet

Wednesday Cleaning:

Daily Task:
Bedrooms-Dust, strip bed, and change sheets remove hangers from the closet that are empty, straighten closet and drawers, put laundry in if needed including sheets, empty trash, vacuum, mop quickly.

  • Clutter sweep
  • Laundry
  • Wipe down kitchen counters and stovetop
  • Dishes
  • Sweep floor right after doing the dishes
  • Take out the trash
  • Quick wipe bathroom and swish toilet

Thursday Cleaning:

Daily Task:
Dining Room-Dust, Change tablecloth and decorate the table for the week (fresh flowers are always a nice touch), vacuum, mop quickly. 

  • Clutter sweep
  • Laundry
  • Wipe down kitchen counters and stovetop
  • Dishes
  • Sweep floor right after doing the dishes
  • Take out the trash
  • Quick wipe bathroom and swish toilet

Friday Cleaning:

Daily Task:
Kitchen-Dust, straighten cupboards and pantry, clean out fridge then wipe out, wipe down appliances, make the grocery list and meal plans, vacuum, mop quickly, water plants. 

  • Clutter sweep
  • Laundry
  • Wipe down kitchen counters and stovetop
  • Dishes
  • Sweep floor right after doing the dishes
  • Take out the trash
  • Quick wipe bathroom and swish toilet

Saturday Cleaning:

Daily Task:
Laundry Room-Dust, straighten up shelves in cupboards, empty trash, straighten cleaning products and restock cleaning caddy, run vinegar through the washing machine, vacuum, quick mop. 

  • Clutter sweep
  • Laundry
  • Wipe down kitchen counters and stovetop
  • Dishes
  • Sweep floor right after doing the dishes
  • Take out the trash
  • Quick wipe bathroom and swish toilet

Sunday Cleaning:

Daily Task:
Bathroom-Dust, scrub the tub and clean toilet exterior, empty trash, clean cat box, put in extra toilet paper, fill soap dispenser, change towels, vacuum, quick mop. 

  • Clutter sweep
  • Laundry
  • Wipe down kitchen counters and stovetop
  • Dishes
  • Sweep floor right after doing the dishes
  • Take out the trash
  • Quick wipe bathroom and swish toilet

As always have a great day and we'll see you next time at Secular Homemaking! :)


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