Red Clover, What Is It and How To Use It

Red clover is a common sight in hay fields and beside country roads. It will grow and spread easily when left to its own devices. Some folks would even call it a weed. Red clover has many uses for your home though. So what can you do with red clover anyway?

Red Clover

What is red clover?

Red clover is a perennial plant with low growth that can be found throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America among many other areas of the world. The plant blooms with beautiful red to pink flower heads from spring through to fall in most areas of the world. These plants may have three-lobed leaves or four-lobed leaves.

While commonly thought of as a weed in our modern world red clover could be quite valuable in the past. Many valued the plant in the middle ages with Druids drawing on its protective powers as they believed it could ward off evil. While Christians of the middle ages associated the plant with the Trinity and the cross due to it's leaf patterns.

Red Clover

When should I harvest red clover?

Red clover may be harvested from its earliest blooming in the spring through autumn in most areas of the world.

Red Clover

How should I harvest red clover?

Red clover should be clipped with disinfected shears or scissors from the plant. There is no need to pull up clover, doing so will destroy root systems and prevent further growth in years to come. Gather clover after the dew has dried to prevent mildew will drying and preserving your harvest later.

Red Clover

How do I preserve red clover?

Red clover may be dried, made into salves, infused into oils, and much more. The most common way to preserve red clover is through drying. You may either dry the heads of the flowers on their stems hanging upside down in a warm dry area or you may pluck the heads off and dry them on a clean dry cookie sheet. I cover mine with cheesecloth or paper towel loosely to prevent dust from laying on the herbs or my naughty kitty cat from discovering my tender harvest.

Red Clover

What can I use red clover for?

Red clover can be used for coughs, colds, PMS, skin irritations or eczema and more. Red clover is often used in syrups, baths, ointments/salves, and teas.

Red Clover

Precautions for red clover:

while there aren't any specific precautions you should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning or discontinuing any medication. This article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. This article does not replace the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.


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