Have You Ever Heard Of The Crow And The Pitcher? Well It Could Help You Clean Your House!

I know it's already confusing in here but just stick with me for a moment. It seems odd that Aesop and you could have much in common or that Aesop could help you clean your house, but try to keep an open mind.

The Crow and The Pitcher came to mind for me in a time of need over the past few months. If you've been reading along you know already that I'm a grieving homemaker currently. So it didn't take long for the dishes to pile up and the trash to start overflowing.

In the endearing fable of Aesop, you see a crow who is left with the option of thirsting to death or being crafty and resourceful to get to the elusive water in the bottom of the pitcher the crow was presented with. The crow could have chosen to thirst to death and take the easy way. Our crow friend here would never have considered dying, so he did the next best thing and found a way to get that water up to him. The work was slow though and he had to take it a little bit at a time. If you haven't read The Crow and The Pitcher by Aesop you can read it here.

The Crow and The Pitcher

So with that in mind let's think about our homes. We could just sit in the filth ( I've done it and I won't lie it can be tempting to just give up, but You can get a handle on all of this). We could take a our cleaning a bit at a time with a gentle attitude toward ourselves. This seems to have been the best method for me.

I managed to keep the house clean with a few simple tasks a day and the few things that worked for me lately are:

  • Keep the trash out
  • Don't bring trash or junk mail in
  • If the bathroom is clean the whole house feels cleaner
  • Clean enough is OK and there's no need to fret about every speck of dust
  • Timers work wonders and you'd be surprised how much you can get done in ten minutes every day
What works for you? Let us know below in the comments!

Have a great week and we'll see you next time :)


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