Bladder Infection Relief Right in Your Kitchen Cabinet

This post will be short sweet and to the point, but the bladder infection relief could be very sweet indeed. :)

Have you ever woke up in the night and felt the burning pain in your nether regions and felt like glass was coming from your body when you went to the restroom? Me too! For a long time, I suffered from recurring UTI's and bladder infections. With no relief in sight, I looked and looked but couldn't seem to find the answer

Then one day an older friend of mine let me in on a secret to bladder infection relief...right in my kitchen cabinet.

After years of antibiotics and pain, I was game to try anything even the horrible sounding recipe she offered me.

To get bladder infection relief you only need a teaspoon, a glass, cold fresh water, and pure baking soda.

What you'll need to do to get this relief is to add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to an 8 oz glass of water and stir until all of the baking soda has dissolved leaving the water clear. Now chug this down quick (it will taste salty and gross, but you can do it). Then chase this with another glass of plain water and stay near the bathroom.

So now what? Wait a little while and you'll be hitting the restroom. Your urinary system will be flushed out and the whole system will be alkalized giving you nearly complete or maybe even total relief from the pain of a UTI.

For added bladder infection relief I often add cranberry and use this remedy twice a day for 7 days.

It's important to drink plenty of water with this remedy and watch your additional salt intake as baking soda contains a great deal of salt.

You should also avoid this remedy if you have sodium restrictions, high blood pressure, kidney disease or congestive heart failure. It's important to discuss all remedies and medications with your health care provider as well. This article is intended for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure any illness or disease.

Have a great day and we'll see you next time! :)


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