Rice That Isn't Terrible

Is your rice always terrible? Mine used to be too, but I've finally found a way to keep it from being sticky and horrible.


Here's what you'll need to make the rice:

1 cup white instant white rice

1/4 teaspoon of lemon juice

1 cinnamon stick

A pinch of ginger

2 cups of water

One washed and cleaned glass spaghetti sauce jar (recycling is a great feeling  :) )

A Keurig or similar coffee maker


How to make the rice:

Pour two cups of water into the coffee maker and then pour the one cup of rice into your jar. Add the lemon juice and spices to your rice and place them where you would normally put your coffee mug. Turn it on and let the water boil into your jar. Now just let it sit for ten minutes and you're ready to go.

Have a great day and we'll see you next time!


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