What is Acerola Cherry?

With all the buzz about this small red fruit lately, you may be wondering just what is acerola cherry? Learn more about the acerola cherry tree and the benefits of acerola cherry now! 

The acerola cherry tree loves to live in a very warm climate so areas like Texas, South America, Florida, or even California are perfect. The acerola cherry tree is an evergreen and produces a small red fruit known as the acerola cherry.

All About The Acerola Cherry Tree

The acerola cherry tree loves to live in a very warm climate so areas like Texas, South America, Florida, or even California are perfect. The acerola cherry tree is an evergreen and produces a small red fruit known as the acerola cherry. The fruit from the acerola cherry tree is 0.5 to 1 inch in diameter and is a bright vivid red color. Fruits from the acerola cherry tree must be harvested quickly, even after just 4 hours the fruit will begin to show signs of going bad. It's recommended that the fruits of the acerola cherry tree not be frozen either, the fruit will fall apart when frozen. Otherwise, it's a good idea to use this fruit in syrups, jams, or even jellies.

So what are the acerola cherry benefits that have everyone buzzing about this little fruit? Acerola cherry benefits include:

Acerola Cherry Benefits

So what are the acerola cherry benefits that have everyone buzzing about this little fruit? Acerola cherry benefits include:

  • Low-calorie food
  • Provide more vitamin C than any other known food source
  • Great source of vitamin A 
  • Good source of iron
  • Flavonoids and antioxidants
  • Fat-free
  • Rich in fiber

While there are many acerola cherry benefits, there may be some unpleasant side effects too as with any supplement.

With all of the benefits, it's still important to talk about the acerola cherry side effects you could see. The most common acerola cherry side effects include upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Acerola Cherry Side Effects

With all of the benefits, it's still important to talk about the acerola cherry side effects you could see. The most common acerola cherry side effects include upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It seems that excess consumption could also lead to kidney stones in some individuals as well. As with any plant or medication, the acerola cherry side effects could include allergic reaction so use this herb cautiously if you are allergic to related plants. Do not use if you are allergic to acerola cherry. It's also important to speak to your doctor before beginning or stopping any medications. 

There are many choices when shopping from juice to acerola cherry powder the choice is yours.

Acerola Cherry Powder: Purchasing Your Supplies

There are many choices when shopping from juice to acerola cherry powder the choice is yours. The links in this section to acerola cherry powder and other products are affiliate links which may help to support my blog and home at no extra cost to you when purchasing these products. When purchasing acerola cherry powder or juice the real question is what's convenient for you? Purchase a product with good reviews like this organic acerola powder with great reviews from scores of Amazon customers. Whatever you purchase be sure it is made of quality ingredients and purchased from a reputable seller. 

Thanks for stopping by to learn more about the benefits of acerola cherry. We'll see you next time here at Secular Homemaking! :)


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