Help I Shrunk My Shirt!

Have you ever put your favorite shirt into the dryer and pulled it out expecting to be delighted with fresh clothes only to discover your shirt had shrunk? Yep...this is no good, but you can fix it!

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I shrunk my shirt

What Supplies Will I Need If I Shrunk My Shirt To Fix It?

  • A large bowl or pail (a mop sized bucket will work well here)
  • 1 Tablespoon of Hair Conditioner
  • Lukewarm Water
I shrunk my shirt

I Shrunk My Shirt So How Do I Fix It?

  1. Fill your bowl or bucket with lukewarm water leaving room for your shirt or other clothing piece to be soaked.
  2. Add in one tablespoon of hair conditioner and swish it around to mix it in well with the water.
  3. Soak your shrunken clothing for a half hour and then stretch it gently back to it's previous size. 
I shrunk my shirt

I Shrunk My Shirt Very Badly, So Will This Really Work? 

It has always worked for me, but here are a few pointers:

  • Stretch gently, fibers are more vulnerable when wet, like hair, to damage. 
  • Always read clothing labels and wash/dry accordingly to prevent shrinking in the first place. 
  • Laying clothes flat to dry is always a great option of you are afraid that they will shrink in the dryer. 
  • Never dry wool in the dryer. 

Now that you've learned how to bring your clothes back to their original size it should be a snap!

See you next week for more home making and cleaning tips.


I shrunk my shirt


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