The Very Best Way to Clean An Attic

What's the very best way to clean an attic? We've often wondered that ourselves and have decided to write a post to conquer the topic once and for all!

The Very Best Way to Clean An Attic 1

What you'll need to clean an attic:

  • Mop
  • Broom
  • Vacuum
  • Duster
  • Cleaning cloths or paper towels
  • All purpose cleaning spray
  • Mop bucket
  • Trash bags
  • Long sleeve shirt and pants if you'll be working near insulation
  • Bins for items you'd like to donate
The Very Best Way to Clean An Attic 2

How to get started to clean an attic:

A few ground rules to make life easier:

1) Work from the dirtiest areas to the cleanest areas and from top to bottom. 

2)Be sure to take breaks and stay hydrated if your attic space is very warm.

3)Look out for spiders or mice.

4)Avoid getting insulation on the skin or touching your nose, mouth, or eyes while cleaning. 

5)Never sweep up mouse droppings. Also know that roach droppings may also set off asthma so be careful when cleaning any kind of pest droppings or carcasses up in your attic. 

I like to clean in the following order:

  • Dust ceilings/ceiling fans, ceiling corners, over doorways, and walls first. 
  • Then declutter from left to right starting from the door of the room and work your way back around to the same point.
  • Now wipe dust and dirt from furniture and fixtures.
  • Finally clean the floors and dust the baseboards. 
  • Before you go, don't forget to sort those bins of items to donate and take out the trash. 
The Very Best Way to Clean An Attic 3

Complications you may encounter when you clean an attic:

Ah the attic... it inspired ghost and monster stories when we were kids, but what might you encounter up there now?

Well... that's a really good question so let's brainstorm for a minute:

  • Mice
  • Roaches
  • Mold
  • Loose building materials
  • Flooring issues or unstable floors in older homes
  • Insulation that is loose or scattered from nesting pests
  • Heavy items that may be difficult to move
  • Leaking roofs or windows
  • Extreme heat


Now that you've learned how to clean an attic the chore should be over in no time at all!

See you next week for more home making and cleaning tips. :)

The Very Best Way to Clean An Attic Infographic


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